Weigh In

>> Thursday, March 5, 2009

I haven't posted a weigh in for quite some time. I have decided to change my "weight in" day to Wednesday's for several reasons:

1. That's the day I work out with Elvis - so I get measured every 4 weeks or so
2. It's middle of the week...instead of immediately after the weekend. That can be discouraging sometimes.
3. Why not? :)

So here we are... based on my Progress Spreadsheet:
Starting Weight: 158.8 (on 2/18/08)
Last week:
158 lb
This week: 156.4 lb
Difference: -1.6 lb
Total Difference: -2.4 lb

Yay! And like I mentioned previously, Elvis weighs me about every 4 weeks or so. Mainly whenever I remind him... 4 weeks ago my hips were 44" around. Last night? 42.75". Yeah! That means I have lost a little over 3" around my hips since the beginning of December.

I am really, really pumped about that.

Apparently I'm doing something right. And with any luck I will feel comfortable in my own skin when bathing suit seasons is upon us!

My next short term goal is to get the ol' hips under 42". The long term (4-6 weeks) goals is to get to 41". I know it doesn't sound like much but it's difficult for me to lose around my hips...so I'm trying extra hard!


Lynsey Kaye March 5, 2009 at 1:05 PM  

I can't lose inches/weight around my hips either. It seems impossible. Congrats to you!!

What are you doing as far as your exercise and food plan?

Beth March 5, 2009 at 2:24 PM  

lots of lunges and squats :-P my two most dreaded things! Congrats on the loss (in inches and pounds!) You're doing great!

Cheerful Homemaker March 5, 2009 at 5:54 PM  

Ugh, hips. Hips are evil. Good luck with the workouts, though!

Megan March 6, 2009 at 3:29 PM  

It's so great that you take your measurements b/c even when the stubborn numbers just won't.move. it's nice to have the shrinking inches validation :)

Congrats - keep it up!

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