Weigh-In Wednesday

>> Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A picture says a thousand words, right? This picture says a thousand words about my complete and utter frustration.

That last "dot" is for my weight this week. Up 3 pounds.

Now the first question is this: Did I really gain three pounds in a weeks time? I seriously doubt that.

Then that brings the second question: Did I really lose 1.6 pounds the week before? Maybe not.

So where does that leave me? So totally confused. Every single time I track my weight this happens. Down, then up, then down, then up. And I never really get where I want to go. I just fluctuate in the range between 155 and 160. Could my scale throw me a 154 one day? I'd appreciate it.

Perhaps I need to step up my workouts again. Or revisit my food.


Beth March 11, 2009 at 4:42 PM  

It is very frustrating to see those numbers! For me...it was all about the food...no matter how much or how hard I worked out...the weight wouldn't budge. When I managed the food, the weight just dropped drastically. I did Weight Watchers...because it's something that...even if I don't count points some days....I am conscious about how "bad" or calorie laden some foods are. (and I didn't make it to my weight goal until I actually started going to meetings and was accountable)

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