Happiness is a mat that sits on my doorway...
>> Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Who else loves some Matchbox 20 and Rob Thomas? :)I got tagged by Heather at Heather Drive and that was so kind of her! It's been quite some time since I've done one of these...so here we go!
The Rules:
- List 10 things that make you happy
- Tag 10 other bloggers and link back to the person who tagged you
The List:
1. The warmth of sun on my skin.
2. "Dates" with my husband - on the couch catching up on our DVR backlog.
3. Organization. Everything has it's own place... :)
4. Feeling accomplished, marking something off my list, or enjoying the fruits of my labor (all kind of the same idea)
5. Laying in bed on a weekend morning - just enjoying the calmness of the day before we get up and running
6. Clean sheets. I always tell my husband "Don't rub the new off my side!!" haha.
7. Eggs - over easy with 2 slices of toast
8. New plants or vegetables that grow in our garden
9. My family & closest friends. They all know me so well and know how to make me smile.
10. A nice glass of wine with dinner, family or friends, and laughter.
Tag - You're It! Now I want to see what makes you happy!
Clemson Girl at Our Version of a Fairy Tale
Laura Elaine at Fool for the City
etta at Fiddle Dee Dee
C-Diddy at Keeping Up With The Joneses
Beth at Jeff, Beth, & Elaina
Molly at You're Talking Gibberish
Amy at Ink-Slinger's Post Script
Jill at Confessions of an Enginerd
Megs at Perfectly Imperfect
d.a.r at just another day
You're a snot, but I'm gonna do it anyway!
PS -- I've been listening to Matchbox 20 all morning!! WEIRD. You should listen to some The Break and Repair Method. It's a side project by their drummer. :)
Aww thanks! I've been so bad at blogging lately because of the move. I have over 100 blogs in my reader to catch up on! I promise I'll post this sometime soon(ish). *love*
Mmm clean sheets!!!!
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