Sunday Thoughts

>> Sunday, October 18, 2009

  • This weekend has been unseasonably cold. Who picked up my house and moved it north of the Mason-Dixon line, seriously? Brr! With that said, I'm pretty stoked about my early Christmas present from The Mr. An electric throw blanket. How awesome! Now we're both happy...he can turn the temperature down to like 67 and I can curl up under my super awesome electric throw blanket. Luxury!
  • I finally finished "processing" all of the apples we picked last weekend. Whew! That was seriously A LOT of apples. I now have 4 apple pies, 2 loaves of apple carrot bread, a pan of apple spice bars, applesauce, apple crisps... lots and lots and lots of apples!
  • On another produce related note - I cut all of my basil today as well. The cold weather had me concerned that if I waited much longer, the front would hit it and then I wouldn't have any to dry. So I brought it all in today and dried some of it in the toaster oven and some of it is hanging in the kitchen to dry. Now I just have to wait!
  • I finally logged into my Sparkpeople page again. It's only been, oh, 4 months. Did I reach my goal? Of course not. :) But that's okay - we'll just set a new goal! So my new goal is 145 lb by Dec. 31. I think I can do it way before then (it's only an 8lb loss) but the holidays...and the treats...and all those previously mentioned apple goodies calling my name? Yeah, we'll give it 2.5 months and tag on a undetermined reward if it happens sooner.
  • Speaking of Sparkpeople - apparently today I have only consumed about 835 calories. It's almost 7pm and we're having cereal for dinner. I guess since that won't eat up another 400-700 calories, then I can have a glass of wine with my cereal, right?? Yes!

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Elle November 9, 2009 at 10:47 AM  

Admit it - he got you a Snuggie.

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