Merry Christmas!
>> Wednesday, December 31, 2008
...sorry this is a bit delayed. It was a very busy weekend, but here I begin my updates.That's our awesome Christmas tree. The Mr. and I found it at K-Mart - but the last one in the store happened to be in some woman's cart in the check out line. We were both sad. The Mr. was such an awesome husband and called what seemed like every K-Mart in the upstate (and even two in Charleston!) He drove to Easley to get it for us and then came home and put it up. It looks really good!
My parents and brother came to Greenville to spend Christmas with us. It was a lot of fun! The Mr. got a weather radio from my sister (my brother and dad got one also). It's a great gift...and even better because the night before The Mr. mentioned he needed to get one. She's so smart!
Mom got an iPod nano and Daniel is showing her how to use it and load music on it. I didn't even know how since we don't have iPod's either - so good thing he was here!
Dad got a new laptop so when he's on the road for work or when my parents travel they can be plugged in anywhere in the world! He's always our Santa Claus - which explains the hat. :)
After opening all the gifts and making our phone calls to the families to wish everyone a Merry Christmas - I started prepping for Christmas dinner by cooking up Dad's stuffing (which is amazing). My parents taught me how to stuff the bird and my mom helped me get together the rest of the fixings. The Mr. was so nice to take care of the cranberry sauce for us. Haha. One nice glob.
...If I were Sandra Lee, I'd say "Here's my beautiful table scape" Instead, I'll say "Here's the feast!!" in our barely used dining room.
After dinner The Mr. helped mom clean up the turkey by eating a few more pieces. Dan is in the background cleaning up all the dishes. I liked that treatment!
And last, but not least, The Mr. gave me an ice cream maker for Christmas that attached to my KitchenAid. We both love ice cream and I absolutely love homemade ice cream. Yum! So here he is watching the ice cream churn. :) We made french vanilla because we had apple pie for it to go with. But no worries - he also gave me two ice cream recipe books (one of them is Ben & Jerry's) so we'll be making up our own mixtures soon!
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