Pocketfolds & Envelopes are here!
>> Monday, December 17, 2007
I ordered 150 coffee brown Vertigo pocketfolds from Cardsandpockets.com. I also ordered 150 cream A7 Envleopes. This was the final piece to the DIY Invite puzzle that I needed.
This means that I am a "go" over Christmas break to start printing and cutting these invites. I am printing the invitations on my fiance's printer. His mother is a teacher and said I could borrow their large paper cutter from work - which I was excited about! This means I don't have to pay someone to do it for me. I plan on printing "templates" around the text to it's easy to tell where to cut instead of guessing and then screwing up. Fiance seems to be excited about this DIY project as well - but probably because I'm so excited about it!
Watch for a mock-up soon!
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