Day 1: Post Surgery

>> Wednesday, February 1, 2012

As I left off of the last post – my night in the hospital was less than ideal.  Being woken up several times, sore throat from the tube, no ice water, blah blah blah.  I was updating Facebook, reading emails and such in the middle of the night.   I think I ended up playing Words with Friends against my dad at 5am because I had given up on sleeping.  I stopped asking for help to go to the restroom – I would just unplug my monitor and move on.  I ended up just buying my time until The Mr. or Dr. D showed up. 

The Mr. got to the hospital around 6:30am and Dr. D got there around 7am.  I got a good check up from the Doc.

Sean, Jim, and Richard showed up around 8am. It was good to see them and very nice for them to stop by.  Everyone said I looked pretty good.  I guess I did – The Mr. helped me brush my hair, brush my teeth and wash my face before people showed up.  Frankie D showed up shortly after Sean, Jim and Richard left.  I enjoyed my breakfast of Muscle Milk and then some hospital food – chicken broth, bad coffee, and some more cherry jello.  We waited around for a few hours and watched the Today show.  I finally got my discharge paperwork around noon, while enjoying some more Muscle Milk.  The lady said it would take 10-15 minutes or more for someone to come get me.  No sooner did I have my clothes on and using the restroom was there someone there to pick me up in a wheel chair.  That was the speediest service all day!

Day 2 Feb 1 AM
This was early in the morning – obviously still at the hospital.

Day 2 Feb 1 PM
Later in the afternoon/evening.  Still puffy.  Oh so hot, right?

Day 2 Feb 1 PM No Ice I look a bit better without the ice on since it’s not adding 5 lb to my face. 

I rested for most of the afternoon in the bed.  Had a smoothie for the rest of my lunch and some banana pudding a little later one.  You can see my coconut water in the background of the pictures too.  Sometimes I just want water but I know I have to have something with some calories in it so I don’t wither away.  I had a nice bath and felt like a million dollars afterwards. 

I watched some TV and dozed off.  People called and texted and such to check on me.  It was all very nice and appreciated.  I am doing well and still feeling good overall.  It’s pretty difficult to eat – I get food all over my lips and such because I can’t feel them all the way (just partially).  Eating is a lot of work and makes me tired.  Dinner was some portabello mushroom bisque from Campbell’s – all blended up in the blender.  It was pretty delicious and something that I will have to have again once I can chew up those delicious little mushrooms.  Yum!


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